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Increasingly in computing systems, when you write something into durable storage it is in need of reorganization later. Personally, I'm pretty darned disorganized and I lose stuff a lot. This causes extensive searching, sometimes to no avail. It is, however, easier to "store" stuff by setting it down wherever I feel like it.
In computing, there is an interesting trend where writing creates a need to do more work. You need to reorganize, merge, reindex, and more to make the stuff you wrote more useful. If you don't, you must search or do other work to support future reads.
Indexing within a database. My first programming job was to implement a database system. In 1978, my colleague and I didn't even know what that was! We voraciously read every paper from ACM's Special Interest Group on Management of Data and ACM Transactions on Database Systems we could lay our hands on. We learned about this interesting and confusing concept of a relational database and how indexing can optimize access while being transparent to the application. Of course, updating an index meant another two-disk access since the indices of a B+ tree didn't fit in memory. We understood the additional work to make database changes was worth it if you were ever going to read it later.
The next perplexing question was: How much should be indexed? Should we index every column? When should a pair of columns be indexed together? The more indexing we did, the faster the read queries would become. The more indexing we did, the more our ability to update became slower than molasses.
I learned this is a common trade-off. Reading fast frequently means writing slow.
Row-store vs. column-store. I have focused most of my misspent career on distributed systems and online transaction processing (OLTP)-style databases. It's natural for me to associate high-performance updates with what today is called a row-store.
Another approach is to organize data by columns: Take a bunch of rows and organize the data by its column values. Every row containing the state of California, for example, keeps just the single column's data together. Columnar databases are super fast for doing queries because many logical rows with the same value are physically close to each other.
However, updating a column-store is not as easy. Typically, updates are kept separately in an integrated row-store. Queries check the small row-store in a fashion that's relatively fast because it's small. These queries are combined with the results of the faster column-store to give a unified accurate answer. Periodically, the new row-store updates are merged with the column-store to make a new column-store. This may be done in a cascading fashion somewhat like the merges in an log-structured merge (LSM) tree, described in the next section.
When inserting into a column-store (or really its attached row-store), you are incurring a debt to be paid later. This debt to rewrite and integrate the new data is a form of write amplification where a single write turns into more writes later.
LSM trees were first proposed in 1996.6 The idea is to track changes to a key-value store as transactions, with new values kept in memory. As transactions commit, the sorted collection of recent key-value pairs can be written to disk in a uniquely named file. This file contains the sorted key-value pairs along with an index into the keys in the file. Once written to disk, the newly committed changes do not need to be kept in memory.
Now, if you keep doing this, looking up values by key starts looking like what happens to me when I try to find something I set down in some random place. Linear searches for your wallet might be tractable in a small apartment but not so much when the search space gets bigger in a larger home in the suburbs. To reduce the read perspiration, LSM trees invest energy to organize the data by rewriting it as you go.
Search makes reading the documents a lot easier. It dramatically lowers the read perspiration.
When a new file is freshly written from the storage engine, it has a bunch of key-value pairs. To make it easy to find keys, these are merged with files that were written earlier. Each LSM tree has some form of fan-out where lower levels of the tree (with keys written earlier) are kept across more files. For example, you may have 10 times as many files at level 1 as at the brand-new level 0. Each file at level 1 has approximately one-tenth as large a key range represented but approximately 10 times the amount of update time represented. Similarly, moving down to level 2 results in 100 files, each with a narrower key range and longer time range.
The depth of an LSM tree depends on the fan-out, the size of each file, and the number of key-value pairs in the tree. In general, most of the storage is in the lowest level of the tree.
So, within this basic LSM structure that is gaining so much popularity, there are varieties of implementation choices. Consider:
Leveling merges have a large write amplification. Each write of a new key-value pair to level 0 will be rewritten 10 or 11 times at each level it moves through. On the other hand, they have a small read perspiration, as a reader typically checks only one place per level.
Tiering merges have a much lower write amplification but a larger read perspiration. Because new files stack up at each level before merging, there is less merging and hence less writing. On the other hand, reads must check a lot more places, leading to the larger read perspiration.
There's a bunch of fun work lately on the trade-offs of these schemes.2,5
Indexing and searching. Search is in many ways a variation of database indexing. In database indices, the notion of identity exists hidden within the database as a row-id or a primary key. Within a relational system, updates to indices are transactionally integrated, and the user sees only a performance difference.
Search systems are a bit different in that they deal with documents. Most search systems asynchronously update the search index after the change to the document occurs. This is knit together with some form of document identity.3
Search makes reading the documents a lot easier. It dramatically lowers the read perspiration. Updates to the documents asynchronously impose a debt onto the system to get them indexed. Creating and merging search indices is a complex job that I think of as a form of write amplification.
To index, you must scour the corpus to find recently written or updated documents. Each of these needs to have an identifier and then must be processed to locate the search terms (sometimes called n-grams; Each of these many n-grams found in a typical document then needs to be sent to an indexer that covers one of many shards. So, the document identifier now is associated with each term (or n-gram) located in the searchable document—all of this because the user did a write or created a document!
I worked for a few years on an Internet-scale search engine and know how they work. I'm still in awe that all this machinery can keep up with the work involved in all that write amplification. It's a lot of work for each document written—and there are lots and lots of documents.
Internet-scale search systems clearly offer excellent and low read perspiration.
Large-scale caches. Lots of big Internet systems have ginormous caches. Consider a product catalog at a big ecommerce retailer. Whenever anything changes, lots of servers are updated with the new product description. This makes for a very easy and fast read in exchange for a lot of writes.
Normalization and denormalization. Growing up in the relational database world, I was imbued with the determination to have normalized data contained in the database. Working to avoid update anomalies was deemed to be extremely important. Performing a large number of joins to get an answer was a small penalty to pay to ensure the database wasn't damaged by an errant update.
Increasingly, I view this as the equivalent of throwing salt over your shoulder if you spill some. Yeah... I've seen others do it, but I'm not sure I should.
Most systems are getting more distributed. Most of these have key-value pairs containing their data, which is sharded for scale. By grouping related data into the value of a pair—typically in a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) representation or something similar—it's easy to grab the value, perhaps as a string, and squirt it over to the distant system issuing the request.
If you were to normalize the data in this big and sharded system, the normalized values would not be on the same shard together. Doing a distributed join is more annoying than doing a centralized join.
To cope with this, people superimpose versioning on their data. It's not perfect but it's less challenging than distributed joins or trying to do massive updates across the denormalized data. The classic example for the value of normalization in databases is a denormalized table with employees, their manager, and their manager's phone number.4 Because the manager's phone number is copied in many tables for many employees, it's hard to change it. Increasingly, I see systems store "as-of" data in their denormalized structures—for example, the manager's phone is captured "as-of" June 1.
Large-scale distributed systems put a lot of pressure on the semantics of a consistent read. This, in turn, can be seen as a tension between write amplification and read perspiration.
I have looked at just a few of the examples where there are trade-offs in our systems between write and read.1 It is endemic in so many environments. We see emerging systems that adapt and optimize for these trade-offs as they watch their usage patterns. Fun stuff!
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1. Athanassoulis, M., Kester, M.S., Maas, L. M., Stoica, R., Idreos, S., Ailamaki, A. and Callaghan, M. Designing access methods: The RUM conjecture. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (2016).
2. Dayan, N. and Idreos, S. Dostoevsky: better space-time tradeoffs for LSM-tree-based key-value stores via adaptive removal of superfluous merging. In Proceedings of the Intern. Conf. Management of Data (2018), 505–520.
3. Helland, P. Identity by any other name. Commun. ACM 62, 4 (Apr. 2019), 80.
4. Helland, P. Normalization is for sissies (July 23, 2007);
5. Luo, C., and Carey, M.J. Forthcoming. LSM-based storage techniques. Computing Surveys; arXiv:1812.07527.
6. O'Neil, P., Cheng, E., Gawlick, D. and O'Neil, E. The log-structured merge-tree (LSM-tree). Acta Informatica 33, 4 (1996).
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