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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editor's letter

Owning Computing's Environmental Impact

It is time for the computing community to face up to computing's growing environmental impact—and take responsibility for it.

Ownership vs. Stewardship

The Internet and the World Wide Web are dependent on the stewardship of a key set of non-profit institutions.
DEPARTMENT: Departments

Lost in Math?

While some people find mathematics befuddling, others find it elegant and beautiful. But the seductive power of mathematical beauty has come under criticism lately.

Smoothing the Path to Computing; Pondering Uses for Big Data

Members of the Computing Research Association suggest ways to broaden participation in computer science, while Saurabh Bagchi looks at use cases for big data.

Building a Better Battery

How researchers are improving energy storage devices for power generated from renewable sources like solar and wind.

Exoskeletons Today

Wearable mobile machines integrate people and machines to assist the movement-impaired, and amplify the capabilities of industrial and defense workers while protecting them from injury.

Electronics Need Rare Earths

Demand is expected to spike over the next few years, leading to higher prices and international trade issues.
COLUMN: Legally speaking

Questioning a New Intellectual Property Right for Press Publishers

Considering the implications of the "link tax" provision of the proposed EU Directive for the Digital Single Market for traditional press publishers.
COLUMN: Economic and business dimensions

Potential 'Dark Sides' of Leisure Technology Use in Youth

Time for balanced reflections on technology.
COLUMN: The profession of IT

An Interview with William Hugh Murray

A discussion of the rapidly evolving realm of practical cyber security.
COLUMN: Education

It's About Power

A call to rethink ethics and equity in computing education.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

From Computational Thinking to Computational Action

Envisioning computing education that both teaches and empowers.
SECTION: Practice

A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Blockchain Universe

Blockchain remains a mystery, despite its growing acceptance.

Design Patterns for Managing Up

Four challenging work situations and how to handle them.

Understanding Database Reconstruction Attacks on Public Data

These attacks on statistical databases are no longer a theoretical danger.
SECTION: Contributed articles

The Seven Tools of Causal Inference, with Reflections on Machine Learning

The kind of causal inference seen in natural human thought can be "algorithmitized" to help produce human-level machine intelligence.

Metamorphic Testing of Driverless Cars

Metamorphic testing can test untestable software, detecting fatal errors in autonomous vehicles' onboard computer systems.

Blogging Birds: Telling Informative Stories About the Lives of Birds from Telemetric Data

The system transforms raw telemetric data into engaging and informative blog texts readily understood by all.

The Compositional Architecture of the Internet

A new model for describing the Internet reflects today's reality and the future's needs.
SECTION: Review articles

Beyond Worst-Case Analysis

The need for deeply understanding when algorithms work (or not) has never been greater.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Borrowing Big Code to Automate Programming Activities

"Predicting Program Properties from 'Big Code'" presents new techniques for leveraging big code to automate two programming activities: selecting understandable names for JavaScript identifiers and generating type annotations …

Predicting Program Properties from 'Big Code'

We present a new approach for predicting program properties from large codebases (aka "Big Code").

Technical Perspective: Isolating a Matching When Your Coins Go Missing

Whether there exists a deterministic parallel algorithm for bipartite matching remains an outstanding question at the frontiers of our understanding of the role of randomness in computation. The question has been (nearly) recently …

A Deterministic Parallel Algorithm for Bipartite Perfect Matching

In this article, we give an almost complete derandomization of the Isolation Lemma for perfect matchings in bipartite graphs.
COLUMN: Last byte

Guiding Computers, Robots to See and Think

Fei-Fei Li, co-director of Stanford University's Human-Centered AI Institute, wants to create algorithms that can learn the way human babies do.