Credit: Prague Post
Europe is not a static entity but here is what it looks like in 2019: The European Union is made up of 28 countries. The capital is in Brussels, Belgium, and the presidency is shared among EU members each semester. In 2019, the first semester sees Romania holding presidency until June, then Finland until the end of the year. An estimated 551.8 million people live in the EU, speaking 24 official languages. Approximately 72% of the population is employed,a which is greater than the pre-economic-crisis peak of 2008. Men are more employed than women by an average of 11%.b
The ICT workforce in the EU counts some 8.4 million people. The U.K. alone provides almost 20% of this workforce, although it only accounts for 12.8% of the EU population. The second and third providers are Germany and France, but the proportions are more coherent with their population ratios. The number of ICT specialists has grown over 36% in the last 10 years,c a significant jump from a mere 3.2% a decade ago. This marked increase helps explain why ICT employment has resisted the effects of the region's overall financial crisis.
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