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Communications of the ACM

Europe Region Special Section: Hot topics

ACM Europe Council's Best Paper Awards

gold medal, illustration

The ACM Europe Council's remit is to support European ACM members while increasing the level and global visibility of ACM activities throughout Europe. Toward this goal, the ACM Europe Council's Best Paper Awards aim to achieve three key objectives: First, is to foster, recognize, and reward research excellence showcased at ACM-sponsored conferences held in Europe. Second, is to expand awareness of the many high-quality, ACM-sponsored events that take place annually within Europe. Third, is to enhance diversity and inclusion of European research across the global ACM community of researchers, students, and practitioners.

The ACM Europe Council's Best Paper Awards recognize authors of outstanding technical contributions to ACM-sponsored conferences held in Europe. In addition, these awards acknowledge groundbreaking research in each conference's discipline for its importance and contribution to computing, and to highlight theoretical and practical innovations likely to shape the future of computing both within Europe and globally. This initiative began in 2016 as an award to recognize best student papers. In 2018, the ACM Awards Committee recognized the initiative as a meritorious endeavor that now extends to both junior and senior participation categories. Thus far, eight awards have been bestowed, and six more are planned for the fiscal year 2019 including ACM CHI19 in Glasgow. Currently, this is the only regional-based best paper award of its kind offered by ACM.


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