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Communications of the ACM

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What Do Agile, Lean, and ITIL Mean to DevOps?

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Credit: Aila Images

The metaphor of development teams throwing applications over a wall to the operations group for deployment is often used to vividly illustrate that development and operations operate as silos. The DevOps movement was started in 200817 to try and break down these barriers between the development and operations groups. The DevOps movement relies on a culture that strives to understand the capabilities and constraints of the other group (development or operations): "Delivering value to the business through software requires processes and coordination that often span multiple teams across complex systems and involves developing and delivering software with both quality and resiliency."11

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Automation is a major enabler of DevOps as it is highly desirable to automate provisioning, release management, and anything else that is possible. Continuous build, integration, and delivery are also enablers of DevOps.17 But DevOps is not just about tools that facilitate development and deployment. In The DevOps Handbook,19 the following myths are debunked.


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