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Communications of the ACM

Latin America Regional Special Section: Hot Topics

A Technological and Innovative Approach to COVID-19 in Uruguay

boy waving Uruguay flag

Credit: Matilde Campodonico / AP Photo

This article presents a technological and innovative approach developed to help the Uruguayan government in their fight against COVID-19. The first version of the system (with only the most urgent services at that time) was released only seven days after the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Uruguay! At press time, some months after its first release, the fourth version is operative. Part of the system is a cellphone app available freely to the public, and it was downloaded by half a million people in a country with a population of 3.5 millions.

The project is innovative because it is the only worldwide solution, that we are aware of, that integrates in a unified way for patients, all health services of a country, the Ministry of Health, self-monitoring, remote patient monitoring, and telemedicine. Furthermore, the system makes full tracking possible from end to end to follow citizens' and patients' situation. Because of this, Uruguay was one of the first three countries and the first in Latin America to incorporate exposure notifications for COVID-19.


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