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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Departments

What Should Be Done About Social Media?

One of the most basic and urgent policy questions is how to tackle the rising role of social media in our public sphere.
DEPARTMENT: Career paths in computing

A Career Unfolds in Phases

I can divide my career into three phases: practicing science, enabling science, and advocating for science.
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the editor

Weighing Grad School Payback

In his September 2020 column, Moshe Vardi criticizes Trump Administration policies prohibiting foreign graduate students and points out the dearth of domestic graduate students willing to fill positions. I would like to share …

Bringing Industry Back to Conferences, and Paying for Results

David Patterson wants to boost industry submissions to conferences, while Yegor Bugayenko suggests productivity should govern coders' pay when they work from home.

Seeking Artificial Common Sense

The long-standing goal of providing artificial intelligence some measure of common sense remains elusive.

Natural Language Misunderstanding

How do we eliminate bias in automated speech recognition?

Terahertz Networks Move Closer to Reality

The desire for faster, higher-frequency wireless networking is a constant. Terahertz technology could deliver large gains.
COLUMN: Privacy

Digital Contact Tracing May Protect Privacy, But It Is Unlikely to Stop the Pandemic

Considering the potential benefits versus the risks of privacy-enhancing technologies.
COLUMN: Legally speaking

Copyright's Online Service Providers Safe Harbors Under Siege

Reviewing the most significant changes recommended in the recently released U.S. Copyright Office Section 512 Study.
COLUMN: Economic and business dimensions

Using Data and Respecting Users

Three technical and legal approaches that create value from data and foster user trust.
COLUMN: Education

It Is Time for More Critical CS Education

By which 'critical' means an intellectual stance of skepticism, centering the consequences, limitations, and unjust impacts of computing in society.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Where Should Your IT Constraint Be?: The Case of the Financial Services Industry

Locating the strategic location of the IT junction constraint.

Reason-Checking Fake News

Using argument technology to strengthen critical literacy skills for assessing media reports.
SECTION: Latin America Regional Special Section


The special section on Latin America highlights the excellent level of research in computer science that flourishes in the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries in the region.
SECTION: Latin America Regional Special Section: Hot Topics

Estimating Amazon Carbon Stock Using AI-based Remote Sensing

This work presents advances in the way of a more accurate estimate of the carbon captured by forest areas, in particular the Amazon rainforest and its peculiarities.

Why Me?: Shedding Light on Random Processes via Randomness Beacons

Solving the apparent paradox of potentially unpredictable random process results is the objective of a verifiable randomness service offered by the University of Chile.

Toward Smart and Sustainable Cities

Evidence-based public policymaking is starting to gain attention as governments and academic projects apply modern computer science techniques to develop tools for operating a city's daily life and guiding long-term management …

A Technological and Innovative Approach to COVID-19 in Uruguay

This article presents a technological and innovative approach developed to help the Uruguayan government in their fight against COVID-19.

Contextualized Interpretable Machine Learning for Medical Diagnosis

The explanations of prediction models must be based on features that are meaningful to physicians.

Understanding Salsa: How Computing Is Defining Latin Music

An interdisciplinary research field called music information retrieval seeks to develop computational data search and retrieval techniques applied to music.

Minding the AI Gap in LATAM

It is critical for underrepresented communities in technology to foster initiatives that are committed to developing tools for the local adoption of AI.

Three Success Stories About Compact Data Structures

Compact data structures have been at the forefront of research in data structures over the last 20 years.
SECTION: Latin America Regional Special Section: Big Trends

The Latin American Supercomputing Ecosystem for Science

High-performance computing represents a strategic resource for Latin American researchers to respond to the region's economical and societal challenges.

Digital Healthcare in Latin America: The Case of Brazil and Mexico

Digital Healthcare can help address some of the challenges of the healthcare system in Latin America.

Chile's New Interdisciplinary Institute for Foundational Research on Data

The Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data aims to be a reference center in Latin America related to state-of-the-art research on the foundational problems with data and its application to tackling diverse issues …

A Panorama of Computing in Central America and the Caribbean

Costa Rica has managed to close the gap in access to technology for its citizens, and it is now leading the way in the region.

Imaging Sciences R&D Laboratories in Argentina

A brief history of three research laboratories with the most relevant R&D activities in imaging sciences in Argentina.

A Tour of Dependable Computing Research in Latin America

A view of dependable computing research in Latin America.

A Perspective on Theoretical Computer Science in Latin America

The Latin American theoretical computer science community has made many noteworthy achievements.
SECTION: Practice

Five Nonobvious Remote Work Techniques

Emulating the efficiency of in-person conversations.

Data on the Outside versus Data on the Inside

Data kept outside SQL has different characteristics from data kept inside.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Coding at a Crossroads

While millions of students worldwide have enjoyed coding experiences over the last decade, the next challenge is spreading educational values and approaches.
SECTION: Review articles

The Graph Isomorphism Problem

Exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of the graph isomorphism problem.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: When the Adversary Is Your Friend

The key insight of the "Generative Adversarial Networks," by Ian Goodfellow et al., is to learn a generative model's loss function at the same time as learning the model.

Generative Adversarial Networks

In this overview paper, we describe one particular approach to unsupervised learning via generative modeling called generative adversarial networks. We briefly review applications of GANs and identify core research problems related …

Technical Perspective: BLeak: Semantics-Aware Leak Detection in the Web

What is the right leak oracle that can precisely capture the behavior of leaks in Web applications? "BLeak: Automatically Debugging Memory Leaks in Web Applications," by John Vilk and Emery D. Berger, provides a simple and yet …

BLeak: Automatically Debugging Memory Leaks in Web Applications

This paper introduces BLeak (Browser Leak debugger), the first system for automatically debugging memory leaks in web applications.
COLUMN: Last byte

Tackling the Challenges of CS Education

Chris Stephenson on the complex challenges that continue to plague the computer science education community.