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Communications of the ACM

Latin America Regional Special Section


November 2020 CACM cover image

Credit: Spooky Pooka at Debut Art

Welcome to the special section on Latin America, covering all the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries from Rio Grande to Cape Horn. Latin America is a striving region, with many countries aiming at a developed status in the near future, while at the same time facing enormous challenges in inequality, education, and government. The region also supports a great wealth of biodiversity. With generally less resources for research and a more difficult path for technology transfer when compared to developed countries, we aimed at highlighting the excellent level of research in computer science that flourishes in the region, both on basic research and on problems that are unique to Latin America.

We launched a general call for contributions welcoming research and development initiatives, large and small, aiming to cover as much as possible the diversity in development along the different countries. While countries like Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Uruguay exhibit, at different scales, promising environments for the development and advance of computing research, our survey also uncovered countries like Colombia, Costa Rica, or Peru, with a lot of potential that is waiting for stronger government or industry support in order to develop at large.


Marcio Barroso

Parabenizo todos o envolvidos nessa importante iniciativa em mostrar as pesquisas e resultados de cientistas e profissionais relacionados com a Tecnologia da Informao. Em especial, Virglio Almeida, cujas contribuies cientficas e polticas, como Secretrio no Ministrio de C&T&I do Brasil, so por todos reconhecidas.
Minha sugesto, como empresrio de TI, que publiquem artigos que possam ser aproveitados como insumos e ideias para nossas empresas de base tecnolgica. Essa perspectiva integradora entre a cincia e as aplicaes empresariais no so comuns em nosso pas, logo, precisam desse tipo de incentivo.

Mrcio Giro

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