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Communications of the ACM

East Asia and Oceania Region special section: Hot topics

Singapore's Cybersecurity Ecosystem

Singapore building at night with light connections

Credit: Julian Peters Photography

A successful digital economy requires cybersecurity to be a vital enabler, protecting the interests of individuals and businesses and enabling the resilience of businesses and services. Since 2013, Singapore's medium- to long-term directions for cybersecurity is to develop R&D expertise and capabilities to improve the trustworthiness of cyber infrastructures and systems with an emphasis on security, reliability, resilience, and usability among government agencies, academia, and industry. Various initiatives to support research, innovation, and enterprise have been implemented under the Whole-of-Government National Cybersecurity R&D (NCR) Programme.8 The program supports a synergistic range of initiatives to advance technological state-of-the-art in thematic National Satellites of Excellence in universities, grants for local research projects, international research collaborations, and joint technology developments with industry. Innovation is fostered through cross-sector R&D discussions and partnerships and fast-tracked by national testbeds for safe and repeatable cybersecurity experiments.

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Research Impact

Research entities in Singapore have adopted a multi-disciplinary, mission-oriented approach in solving cybersecurity problems with notable outcomes. There are several such examples of research impact in cyber-security being achieved by Singapore's institutions including in software security, systems security, and Internet of Things (IoT) security.


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