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Communications of the ACM

East Asia and Oceania Region special section: Big trends

Advances in Security Research in the Asiacrypt Region

box surface covered with binary code, illustration

Credit: Immersion Imagery

The cryptographic and security research community is very closely knit in the sense that irrespective of which country we are in, or which region we come from, we are aligned to a single formal association—the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). Regional flagship IACR conferences allow fellow researchers to gather regularly. The three main regions hosting security research conferences are the U.S. (Crypto), Europe (Eurocrypt), and Asia + Oceania (Asiacrypt). These events provide a sense of belonging and are one main reason researchers continually involve themselves in such regional activities. In this article, we focus on regional collaborative activities as well as highlight each country's security research.

Asiacrypt. In 1990, the first Auscrypt was held in Sydney, spear-headed by Jennifer Seberry and Josef Pieprzyk, both of UNSW. The aim was to have a regional collaborative venue similar in style to Crypto and Eurocrypt, both of which started in the 1980s. In 1991, Japanese cryptographers initiated Asiacrypt in Fujiyoshida as the first crypto conference in Asia. It was organized by Hideki Imai (YNU), Ron Rivest, and Tsutomu Matsumoto. After Auscrypt 1992 at Gold Coast, Australian cryptographers combined Auscrypt into Asiacrypt by hosting Asiacrypt 1994 in Wollongong. As a bi-annual conference, Asiacrypt 1996 and Asiacrypt 1998 were hosted in Korea and China, respectively; followed by Asiacrypt 1999 in Singapore. Subsequently a strong suggestion was made to IACR by the Asiacrypt Steering Committee for the conference to be held annually. As a result, Asiacrypt has been the annual IACR flagship conference for the Asian region since 2000 and holds the same status within the industry as the Crypto and Eurocrypt conferences. Each year, more than 200 papers are submitted to Asiacrypt of which about one-third are selected by multiple peer review to be published in the proceedings. Attendance on average has been over 250 participants.


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