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Communications of the ACM

From the president

How ACM Is Adapting in This Period of Global Uncertainties

ACM President Cherri M. Pancake

As the world continues its efforts to slow the COVID-19 pandemic, our daily lives and routines have changed dramatically. Companies have closed their physical locations and transitioned staff to working remotely, academic institutions—from primary school to universities—have sent students home and are turning exclusively to distance learning, and entire industries have scaled back in an effort to remain viable until the pandemic is contained. Both individually and collectively we are confronting personal, societal, and ethical dilemmas at a speed and scale few could foresee.

The global impact of computing and information technology has never been clearer than it is during this crisis. Real-time data sharing and computational modeling are central to efforts to analyze the spread of the virus, share public health strategies and experiences, and expedite development of new treatments and vaccines. At the same time, the use of social interaction platforms of all types has skyrocketed. That infrastructure is critical to keep families, friends, and colleagues connected, as well as to keep businesses, education, and government viable.


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