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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents


The Future of Text Redux

Frode Hegland has developed three remarkable tools for text generation, viewing, and referencing that illustrate the power of applying computing to text.

New Life for Cordless Communication, Old Regrets for Software Projects

Andrei Sukhov and Igor Sorokin ponder the potential benefits of DECT to the Internet of Things, while Doug Meil considers how software engineers should reflect on their accomplishments.

Flatter Chips

Two-dimensional materials — graphene and its cousins — could enable better integrated circuits.

Algorithmic Poverty

Algorithms can have a devastating impact on people's lives, especially if they already are struggling economically.

A Switch in Time

The introduction of the nanosheet transistor is just one step in the continuing attempt to stick to the spirit of Moore's Law.
COLUMN: Technology strategy and management

Section 230 and a Tragedy of the Commons

The dilemma of social media platforms.
COLUMN: Broadening participation

Broadening Participation by Teaching Accessibility

Strategies for incorporating accessibility into computing education.
COLUMN: Global computing

Remaining Connected Throughout Design

Applying the unique experiences of designing technologies for vulnerable communities.
COLUMN: Kode Vicious

Divide and Conquer

The use and limits of bisection.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Competitive Compatibility: Let's Fix the Internet, Not the Tech Giants

Seeking to make Big Tech less central to the Internet.
COLUMN: Economic and business dimensions

AI Futures: Fact and Fantasy

Three books offer varied perspectives on the ascendancy of artificial intelligence.
SECTION: Practice

Software Development in Disruptive Times

Creating a software solution with fast decision capability, agile project management, and extreme low-code technology.

A New Era for Mechanical CAD

Time to move forward from decades-old design.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Human Detection of Machine-Manipulated Media

Technologies for manipulating and faking online media may outpace people's ability to tell the difference.

Six Reasons Why Virtual Reality Is a Game-Changing Computing and Communication Platform for Organizations

Beyond the pandemic, organizations need to recognize what digital assets, interactions, and communication processes reap the most benefits from virtual reality.

The Role of Professional Certifications in Computer Occupations

Experienced and aspiring computing professionals need to manage their qualifications according to current market needs. That includes certification achievement as well as formal education, experience, and licenses.
SECTION: Review articles

Trustworthy AI

The pursuit of responsible AI raises the ante on both the trustworthy computing and formal methods communities.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Liquid Testing Using Built-in Phone Sensors

"Liquid Testing with Your Smartphone," by Shichao Yue and Dina Katabi, proposes a novel technique for determining the surface tension of a liquid by leveraging the optical absorption of waves propagating on the fluid surface. …

Liquid Testing with Your Smartphone

We show a simple and accurate approach to measuring surface tension that's available to anyone with a smartphone.

Technical Perspective: The Real-World Dilemma of Security and Privacy by Design

"Securing the Wireless Emergency Alerts System," by Jihoon Lee et al., investigates real-world attacks on the current implementation of Wireless Emergency Alerts.

Securing the Wireless Emergency Alerts System

We investigate the Wireless Emergency Alert system and develop and demonstrate the first practical spoofing attack on Presidential Alerts, using commercially available hardware and modified open source software.
COLUMN: Last byte


End-of-the-rope machinations.