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Communications of the ACM


Fact-Finding Mission

dial gauge measures from 'true' to 'false'

Credit: Shutterstock

Seeking to call into question the mental acuity of his opponent, Donald Trump looked across the presidential debate stage at Joseph Biden and said, "So you said you went to Delaware State, but you forgot the name of your college. You didn't go to Delaware State."

Biden chuckled, but viewers may have been left wondering: did the former vice president misstate where he went to school? Those who viewed the debate live on an app from the London-based company Logically were quickly served an answer: the president's assertion was false. A brief write-up posted on the company's website the next morning provided links to other fact-checks from National Public Radio and the Delaware News Journal on the same claim, which explain that Biden actually said his first Senate campaign received a boost from students at the school.


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