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Moshe Vardi's column on the preceding page misrepresents some decisions and actions made in regard to ACM's Open Access (OA) model. As ACM's President at the time these events took place, he invited my comments but chose not to correct several factual errors I pointed out. That information is included here, by way of clarification.
First, the characterization of ACM's OA process—which Vardi limits to events between December 2019 and June 2020—as an example of a "gap between ACM members and staff" is contrary to fact. ACM's progress toward OA began mid-decade. A plan for moving to OA was discussed with ACM Council as early as 2016, and a pilot was instituted soon after. By the end of 2019, the pilot had been evaluated, tweaked, and expanded in a second phase that included more institutions. Each step was discussed and approved by ACM volunteers at meetings with the Publications Board, Executive Committee, and Council; the SIG Governing Board was also provided with regular updates.
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