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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editor's letter

Time for Two Annual Turing Awards

ACM should bestow two Turing Awards each year, starting immediately.

It Came From Outer Space!

The resilience of the Internet with alternative paths, including satellite and undersea and land cable as well as high speed laser links, might play a critical part of overcoming the side effects of a major CME (coronal mass …

The Search for Unlimited Productivity

Doug Meil considers the continuing search for the next great software development methodology.

Getting Down to Basics

2020 ACM A.M. Turing Award recipients Alfred Aho and Jeffrey Ullman helped develop formal language theory, invented efficient algorithms to drive the tasks of a compiler, and put them all together in 'The Dragon Book.'

Deceiving AI

The uncanny power of machine learning can be turned against it.

Taking the Heat

Maxwell's demon and the high cost of erasure.

Let the Algorithm Decide?

Algorithms fail their first test to replace student exams.
COLUMN: Inside risks

The Risks of Election Believability (or Lack Thereof)

With 90% of the 2020 U.S. general election ballot contents verifiable by paper, why do only 65% of voters trust the results?
COLUMN: Kode Vicious

Aversion to Versions

Code needs to run anywhere as long as the necessary dependencies can be resolved.
COLUMN: The profession of IT

Locality and Professional Life

The locality principle extends beyond computer memories. It teaches us something about being human.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

A Vision to Compute like Nature: Thermodynamically

Advocating a new, physically grounded, computational paradigm centered on thermodynamics and an emerging understanding of using thermodynamics to solve problems.

Depth and Persistence: What Researchers Need to Know About Impostor Syndrome

Understanding impostor syndrome's complexity and its effect on research persistence.

Collusion Rings Threaten the Integrity of Computer Science Research

Experiences discovering attempts to subvert the peer-review process.
SECTION: Practice

The SPACE of Developer Productivity

There's more to it than you think.

Toward Confidential Cloud Computing

Extending hardware-enforced cryptographic protection to data while in use.
SECTION: Contributed articles

CoCoPIE: Enabling Real-Time AI on Off-the-Shelf Mobile Devices via Compression-Compilation Co-Design

A new framework allows intelligence on mainstream end devices without special hardware.

Jack Minker (1927–2021)

ACM Fellow Jack Minker was a leader in the development of automating logistic reasoning, but he is perhaps best known for his efforts to promote the social responsibility of scientists and human rights.
SECTION: Contributed articles

On the Requirements Engineer Role

The requirements engineer role is defined differently within most organizations.

Dynamics of Gender Bias in Computing

A new dataset significantly revises both scholarly assessment and popular understanding about gender bias in computing.
SECTION: Review articles

Securing Internet Applications from Routing Attacks

Application-layer and network-layer defenses are critical for fortifying routing attacks.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Race Logic Presents a Novel Form of Encoding

"In-Sensor Classification With Boosted Race Trees," by Georgios Tzimpragos, et al., proposes a surprising, novel, and creative approach to post-Moore's Law computing by rethinking the digital/analog boundary.

In-Sensor Classification With Boosted Race Trees

We demonstrate the potential of a novel form of encoding, race logic, in which information is represented as the delay in the arrival of a signal.

Technical Perspective: A Chiplet Prototype System for Deep Learning Inference

"Simba," by Yakun Sophia Shao, et al., presents a scalable deep learning accelerator architecture that tackles issues ranging from chip integration technology to workload partitioning and non-uniform latency effects on deep neural …

Simba: Scaling Deep-Learning Inference with Chiplet-Based Architecture

This work investigates and quantifies the costs and benefits of using multi-chip-modules with fine-grained chiplets for deep learning inference, an application domain with large compute and on-chip storage requirements.
COLUMN: Last byte

Shaping the Foundations of Programming Languages

ACM A.M. Turing Award recipients Alfred Aho and Jeffrey Ullman discuss their early work, the 'Dragon Book,' and the future of 'live' computer science education.