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Communications of the ACM


The Impact of Virtual Meetings

eight faces in windows on a laptop display for an e-meeting

Credit: Cabeca de Marmore

Over the last two years, office workers of the world have gotten a tantalizing taste of either fully remote work or partially remote hybrid work. Many don't want to go back to commuting to a workplace full-time, no matter the cost.

According to research from the ADP Research Institute, which surveyed more than 32,000 workers, fully 64% said they would consider looking for a new job if they were required to return to the office full-time. More than half said they would accept a pay cut of up to 11% if they could guarantee themselves remote or partially remote hybrid work.


Nandakumar Ramanathan

While in-person meetings offer greater opportunities for networking, they are poor or practically nil in virtual meetings.

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