Credit: Andrij Borys Associates
Artificial intelligence (AI) and data science (DS) centers are becoming ubiquitous in academic institutions around the globe. These centers serve to focus research efforts and bring together large teams to address important problems. AI centers in more mature research ecosystems tend to be multi-institutional, such as the Alan Turing Institute in the U.K. with 13 academic partners12 and Mila in Montreal with four academic partners and numerous industry partners.8 Often such centers are also focused on a specific theme, such as the 18 AI institutes funded by NSF.10 In contrast, the centers in India tend to be contained in only one institute—this facilitates the institute to identify AI/DS as a growth area and an area of interest to the Institute. The centers tend to be active in content creation, teaching, and consulting apart from their research activities.
In this article, we look at the activities of centers located at seven top Indian institutes namely the Kohli Centre on Intelligent Systems (KCIS) at IIIT Hyderabad (IIITH) established in 2015, the Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science & AI (RBCDSAI) at IIT Madras (IITM) established in 2017, the Centre of excellence in AI (CAI) at IIT Kharagpur (IITKGP) established in 2018, the Yardi School of Artificial Intelligence (ScAI) at IIT Delhi (IITD) established in 2020, the Centre for Machine Intelligence and Data Science (C-MInDS) at IIT Bombay (IITB) established in 2020, the NV AI center and KRIYA at IIT Hyderabad (IITH) established in 2020 and the Kotak-IISc AI-ML Centre at IISc in 2021. These centers are funded at various levels by alumni, philanthropic contributions, industry, and government. There is significant enthusiasm in setting up these centers and the funding for the individual centers range from 3M–12M USD over five to six years. A broader list of AI/ML centers is available online at
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