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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents


On Truth and Belief

I am certainly no philosopher, but as I observe the apparent erosion of agreement on factual evidence in our society. Somewhere along the line, critical thinking must be given the stature it deserves.

Is Having AI Generate Text Cheating?

Carlos Baquero on whether using artificial intelligence provides an unfair advantage to writers.

Quantum Computers and the Universe

Ideas for quantum computing change the way we think about space and time.

Swarm Robotics Moves Forward

Drawing inspiration from nature to enable complex behaviors.

Preserving the Past with Immersive Technologies

Digital technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and holograms allow museums and other institutions to preserve historical events and tell stories in an engaging way.
COLUMN: The profession of IT

The Context Problem in Artificial Intelligence

The artificial intelligence design challenge of teaming humans and machines is difficult because machines cannot read the context of use.
COLUMN: Kode Vicious

The Four Horsemen of an Ailing Software Project

Don't let the pale rider catch you with an exception.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Can Universities Combat the 'Wrong Kind of AI'?

Seeking an artificial intelligence reset.

Building a New Economy: Data, AI, and Web3

How distributed technologies could return more control to users.

Global Perspectives of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

ACM luminaries describe how their experiences with DEI issues vary between the different continents where they have lived.
SECTION: Practice

FHIR: Reducing Friction in the Exchange of Healthcare Data

A discussion with James Agnew, Pat Helland, and Adam Cole.

CSRB's Opus One

Comments on the Cyber Safety Review Board Log4j Event Report.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Subfield Prestige and Gender Inequality among U.S. Computing Faculty

A study of the intersections of gender, race, socioeconomic status, prestige, and subfield structure in computing.

Producing Competent HPC Graduates

Employers seek recruits who can apply the knowledge, skill, and culture they acquire in college to solve problems as soon as they enter the workforce.
SECTION: Turing lecture

The Evolution of Mathematical Software

Tracing how software and algorithms follow the hardware.
SECTION: Review articles

How Do Java Mutation Tools Differ?

A framework for aiding future Java mutation tool comparisons.

Seeing Beneath the Skin with Computational Photography

Optical imaging technologies hold powerful potential in healthcare.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: The 'Art' of Automatic Benchmark Extraction

"DIAMetrics," by Shaleen Deep et al., describes a versatile framework from Google for automatic extraction of benchmarks and their distributed execution and performance monitoring.

DIAMETRICS: Benchmarking Query Engines at Scale

This paper introduces DIAMetrics: a novel framework for end-to-end benchmarking and performance monitoring of query engines.
COLUMN: Last byte

Finding an Alternate Way Forward with AI

Former Googlers Timnit Gebru and Alex Hanna are thinking about outcomes at their Distributed AI Research Institute.