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Communications of the ACM


Embracing Critical Voices

Jeanna Matthews, professor of computer science, Clarkson University

Credit: Clarkson University

Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things." —Winston Churchill, New Statesman interview, Jan. 7, 1939.

I am delighted to be joining Communications as a chair for the Viewpoints section. My goal is to fill Viewpoints with challenging and thought-provoking opinions from a diverse set of voices within the computing community including younger members, members with suggestions for changes in how ACM operates, and researchers in the social sciences who study the impact of computing technologies. I hope to stir some vigorous debate about the impact of computing for both good and ill, about how the ACM community itself functions, and about its role in society more broadly.


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