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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editor's letter

To the Members of ACM

ACM has the responsibility to fulfill its mission to the fullest, not just for the sake of computing professionals but for society at large.

Color Blind Accessibility Manifesto

Designing experiences from an accessibility and inclusion perspective significantly expands creative possibilities and creates better solutions for everyone.

Advancing in the Technical Hierarchy

Doug Meil considers the steps to becoming a technical leader.

Formalizing Fairness

Algorithmic fairness aims to remedy issues stemming from algorithmic bias.

Crossing the Uncanny Valley

The "uncanny valley effect" may be holding back the field of robotics.

Neurotechnology and the Law

How closely should implants be regulated?
COLUMN: Education

Why Universities Must Resist GPA-based Enrollment Caps in the Face of Surging Enrollments

Considering the challenges for universities to adapt their business models to changing student demands.
COLUMN: Kode Vicious

When Should a Black Box Be Transparent?

When is a replacement not a replacement?
COLUMN: Interview

An Interview with Dana Scott

ACM Fellow and A.M. Turing Award recipient Dana Scott reflects on his career.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Transforming Science through Cyberinfrastructure

NSF's vision for the U.S. cyberinfrastructure ecosystem for science and engineering in the 21st century.

Computational Thinking in the Era of Data Science

Incorporating data thinking into computer science education.
SECTION: Practice

FPGAs in Client Compute Hardware

Despite certain challenges, FPGAs provide security and performance benefits over ASICs.

Interpretable Machine Learning: Moving from Mythos to Diagnostics

A path forward for the ML community to address a stark disconnect.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Advances in the Quantum Internet

A deep dive into the quantum Internet's potential to transform and disrupt.

The Dawn of Crowdfarms

Some small companies are making crowdwork part of their formal business via teams that can complete multifaceted, complex tasks requiring specialized expertise.
SECTION: Review articles

The Seattle Report on Database Research

Every five years, a group of the leading database researchers meet to reflect on their community's impact on the computing industry as well as examine current research challenges.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Can Data Structures Treat Us Fairly?

In "Sampling Near Neighbors in Search for Fairness," Aumüller et al. investigate a basic problem in similarity search called near neighbor in the context of fair data structures.

Sampling Near Neighbors in Search for Fairness

We propose several efficient data structures for the exact and approximate variants of the fair near neighbor problem.

Technical Perspective: hXDP: Light and Efficient Packet Processing Offload

In "hXDP: Efficient Software Packet Processing on FPGA NICs," the authors offer an interesting solution to bridging the performance gap between the CPU and the home network.

hXDP: Efficient Software Packet Processing on FPGA NICs

We present hXDP, a solution to run on FPGAs software packet processing tasks described with the eBPF technology and targeting the Linux's eXpress Data Path.
COLUMN: Last byte

The Luce Goose

A space-traveling bail-bond agent and the ship's resourceful AI chase fugitives across the galaxy.