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Communications of the ACM


Accessibility and Inclusion through Technology

user with a WeWalk smart cane

Credit: WeWalk

Significant improvements in technology in recent years have created more advanced assistive tools and services that allow people with sensory impairments to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. While there will always be a need for traditional assistive devices such as white canes, Braille signage for the visually impaired, or closed-captioning services for the hearing-impaired, these new devices, apps, and underlying technological approaches are helping to create a more inclusive world.

The number of people who benefit from technological improvements to assistive technologies is notable. According to the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, 43 million people around the world were living with blindness as of 2021. Meanwhile, hearing loss currently affects more than 1.5 billion people worldwide, of whom 430 million have moderate or higher levels of hearing loss in their better-hearing ear, according to the World Report on Hearing, published in 2021 by the World Health Organization. In addition, the Wheelchair Foundation has identified more than 131 million people around the world who require a wheelchair.


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