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Testing programs automatically is usually done using one of three possible approaches: In the simplest case, we throw random inputs at the program and see what happens. Search-based approaches tend to observe what happens inside the program and use this information to influence the choice of successive inputs. Symbolic approaches try to reason which specific inputs are needed to exercise certain program paths.
After decades of research on each of these approaches, fuzzing has emerged as an effective and successful alternative. Fuzzing consists of feeding random, often invalid, test data to programs in the hope of revealing program crashes, and is usually conducted at scale, with fuzzing campaigns exercising individual programs often for hours. A common classification of fuzzing approaches is between black-box fuzzers that assume no information about the system under test; grey-box fuzzers that inform the generation of new inputs by considering information about past executions such as code coverage; and white-box fuzzers that use symbolic reasoning to generate inputs for specific program paths. At face value, these three approaches to fuzzing appear to be identical to the three established approaches to test generation listed above. So, what's all the fuss about fuzzing?
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