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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Departments

Who Is Responsible Around Here?

Let us stop talking about Responsible AI. We, computing professionals, should all accept responsibility now, starting with ACM!
DEPARTMENT: Committee on Disclosure of Findings

After the Complaint: What Should ACM Disclose?

Every now and then, ACM is faced with cases of alleged wrongdoing. Some are very serious, raising calls for ACM to more publicly disclose more information surrounding cases of wrongdoing.
DEPARTMENT: Career Paths in Computing

A Philosopher's Daughter Navigates a Career in AI

In high school, a friend of my brother who was studying telecommunication engineering spoke to me about the great potential technology holds to improve society. That conversation inspired me to study computer science.

What Ever Happened to Peer-to-Peer Systems?

Carlos Baquero ponders the peer-to-peer paradigm.

Neural Networks for Drug Discovery and Design

Architectures suited for molecules streamline the identification of pharmaceutical candidates.

Adding Smarts to Vending Machines Drives Convenience, Efficiency

Advanced feature sets and functionality are projected to drive the market for connected vending to nearly nine million units by 2024.

Virtual Influencers in the Real World

We are increasingly engaging with these digital personalities, online and offline.
COLUMN: The Profession of IT

A Map for Innovation

Innovation is less elusive with the right navigational map.
COLUMN: Legally Speaking

A Legal Challenge to Algorithmic Recommendations

Reconsidering liability shield considerations.
COLUMN: Privacy

Metrics for Success: Why and How to Evaluate Privacy Choice Usability

Assessing the usability of choice and consent mechanisms.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Designing an Ethical Tech Developer

Studying how to improve teaching young people to ethically exercise the power of technology.

A Turning Point for Cyber Insurance

Technologists who understand and measure cyber risk can motivate policyholders to improve security.
SECTION: Practice

Mapping the Privacy Landscape for Central Bank Digital Currencies

Now is the time to shape what future payment flows will reveal about you.

Split Your Overwhelmed Teams

Two teams of five is not the same as one team of 10.
SECTION: Contributed Articles

AI and Neurotechnology: Learning from AI Ethics to Address an Expanded Ethics Landscape

The merging of machine, body, and psyche is on the horizon due to the technological advancements enabled by neuroscience and AI.

The AI Tech-Stack Model

Management and technology challenges of AI-enabled application projects.

Toward Practices for Human-Centered Machine Learning

Designing for the social, cultural, and ethical implications of ML are just as important as its technical advances.
SECTION: Research Highlights

Technical Perspective: Reconsidering the Design of User-Schedulable Languages

The breakthrough of "Achieving High Performance the Functional Way," by Bastian Hagedorn et al., is in fundamentally rethinking the design of user-schedulable languages so that decades of wisdom from traditional programming languages …

Achieving High Performance the Functional Way: Expressing High-Performance Optimizations as Rewrite Strategies

We show how to employ functional programming techniques to solve with elegance the challenge of using a high-level language to describe functionality and a separate schedule to specify how the program should be optimized.
COLUMN: Last Byte

Considering the Impact of Technology on Society

Moshe Vardi on having the difficult conversation about technology and social responsibility.