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Communications of the ACM


Teaching Transformed

student at desktop of colored lights, illustration

Credit: Danielala

As owner of GitHub and lead investor in OpenAI, the developer of the GPT-x series of large language models (LLMs), it did not take long for Microsoft to see the potential for collaboration between the two. Three years ago, GitHub partnered with OpenAI to develop Codex as an automated assistant for programmers, quickly followed by the Copilot code-completion tool. The public release of ChatGPT by OpenAI toward the end of 2022 made the technology even more widely available to software developers and people learning to program, with other vendors joining in the effort to automate the job of writing software using LLMs.

Rapid scaling has enabled major improvements in the ability of artificial intelligence (AI) to turn natural-language requests into working code. Workplace studies have claimed LLMs boost productivity on real-world projects. In its own survey of usage by close to a million users over the year since the launch of Copilot, GitHub claimed developers accepted on average 30% of the tool's code suggestions and that usage of the suggestions increases over time as programmers become more familiar with the tool's recommendations.


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