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Research and product teams in artificial intelligence (AI) and data science need to think more deeply about how their work maximizes benefits and mitigates harms—particularly as their efforts are applied to increasingly challenging problems with diverse, global impacts.7 Achieving good results may entail making complex trade-offs, especially when initial goals are difficult to specify and disputed and when a project's initial objectives have complex, long-term side effects.
In this column, I argue we cannot make these trade-offs by an appeal to ethics alone. Instead, we must:
Only by the application of these three items can we apply our evermore-powerful technologies to achieve the best results.
I have had the opportunity to read and reflect on this topic while co-authoring Data Science in Context: Foundations, Challenges, Opportunities,14,15 where my co-authors and I enumerate, categorize, and describe the complex issues that arise when applying data science. These "gotchas" led us to create an "Analysis Rubric"' containing top-level elements encompassing technical and societal considerations, as shown in the table in this column.
Table. Field-specific challenges in data science.15
The rubric is intended to help scientists, engineers, and product managers as well as social scientists and policymakers ensure they have considered the breadth of issues needed to apply data science beneficially. The rubric also identifies and motivates many research challenges, such as causal inference, detecting abuse or fake data, and providing interpretable machine learning. While this list focuses on data science, many of the topics are adaptable to AI, computing research more broadly, engineering, and product development.
Contemporary embedded or standalone technology classes in many universities include case studies relating to these rubric topics. For example, The University of Toronto's Embedded Ethics Education Initiative has a module that discusses the societal benefits and counterbalancing privacy risks of COVID-19 contact tracing, and another that presents the complexity of setting the right objectives in recommendation systems.5 One of MIT's modules discusses the balance of privacy versus data quality relating to the use of differential privacy in the census; another explores the complex goals and impacts of algorithmic approaches to defining voting district boundaries.11 A Stanford case study explores the potential safety benefits of self-driving vehicles versus their differential impacts on sub-populations.9
Unfortunately, the identification of challenges and trade-offs does not specify how to balance competing goals. This complexity becomes manifest as one considers the long-term, widely dispersed consequences of decisions.
Unfortunately, the identification of challenges and tradeoffs does not specify how to balance competing interests.
In considering this problem, my co-authors and I realized that any discussion of trade-offs must start with integrity, which is the foundation (in computer science terminology, the "secure kernel") for the proper conduct of all science and engineering endeavors. In data science and AI, this has become ever more apparent as we are confronted with visible risks arising from the misuse and misrepresentation of data and extending to computing's broader impacts. As professionals, we must disclose the limits of our art, practice lawful behavior, always tell the truth, and not misrepresent our conclusions or capabilities.
With a foundation in integrity, we turned to the Belmont Principles for applied ethics in biomedical and behavioral research as a useful ethical framework.16 The three Belmont principles can be applied more broadly and particularly to applications of data science.
Certainly, there are other important and relevant philosophical principles beyond Belmont. Here are a few with particular relevance today:
Experts would add more philosophers and philosophical frameworks to help guide our thinking.
With this column's first emphasis on technical elements (for example, dependability) and its second advocacy for honesty and ethics (for example, Belmont), readers might surmise we have a complete framework for educating and guiding ourselves toward the effective and constructive uses of our technologies. Upon reflection, I have concluded these two components are both necessary but not sufficient. This is because there are other frameworks and models of thought (not usually labeled as ethics) that are equally critical to the right and proper uses of technology. While ethics tends to concentrate on what world we want, there must also be focus on the pragmatics of how societies organize themselves to achieve practical progress toward their goals. There are many situations where certain ethical objectives may not be directly achievable due to the strains they put on a political system, the economic inefficiencies they cause, or other long-term consequences.
We thus need not just an understanding of ethics, but also of other disciplines that enable us to reach the best possible conclusions:
We must turn to more fields of study, whether other social sciences or the arts, if we are to truly leverage society's accumulated wisdom.
Examples abound where the contemporary decisions on the application of technology require broad considerations of not just ethics, but economics and political science. Targeted advertising is a good example:
This list of relevant disciplines is limited and may still not supply sufficient perspective. We must turn to more fields of study, whether other social sciences or the arts, if we are to truly leverage society's accumulated wisdom. The recent book, Framers, which broadly discusses the models underlying human decisions, argues that great breadth is needed for truly insightful decisions.8 More directly, Connolly's provocatively titled piece, "Why Computing Belongs within the Social Sciences," argues compellingly that we should "Embrace other disciplines' insight."6
This discussion motivates the main thrust of this column: A three-part framework that we, as practitioners and educators, can apply to guide computational and data-centric technologies to achieving the most beneficial results.
We should have the humility to recognize we cannot become experts in all relevant disciplines, so we must work collaboratively with others.
We must be broadly educated if we are to guide the growth of computing, data science, and AI and its application to ever more difficult, even wicked,4 problems. As technical experts, we certainly need to both lead and educate our students on our field-specific challenges and lead in the education and practice of integrity. However, we and our students also must have broad grounding in the non-technical topics that influence whether our research or products can achieve the positive results we desire. These topics include ethics, but also the other enablers of our societies including economics, political science, history, and more. As educators, we must guide our students to an important collection of non-technical courses. We also must increasingly collaborate with professionals in other fields, as we cannot be experts in everything.
Figure. Watch the author discuss this work in the exclusive Communications video.
1. Aristotle. Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. University of Chicago Press (2021).
2. Bird, C. Taking flight with Copilot: Early insights and opportunities of AI-powered pair-programming tools. Queueing Syst. 20, 6 (Jan. 2023).
3. Brodhead, R.H. On the tenth anniversary of the heart of the matter. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 76, 6 (2023).
4. Churchman, C. Free for all: Wicked problems. Manage. Sci. (1967).
5. Computer Science, University of Toronto and Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society. Embedded Education Ethics Initiative (E3I). (2023);
6. Connolly, R. Why computing belongs within the social sciences. Commun. ACM 63, 8 (Aug. 2020).
7. Crawford, K. The Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence. Yale University Press. (2021).
8. Cukier, K. et al. Framers: Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil. Penguin (2022).
9. Cohen, H. et al. Stanford Computer Ethics Case Studies and Interviews. (2023);
10. Mill, J.S. On Liberty by John Stuart Mill. Longmans, Green, and Company. (1867).
11. MIT Schwarzman College of Computing. Case Studies in Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing. (2023);
12. Moseley, A. A just war theory. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2023);
13. Santayana, G. Introduction, and Reason in Common Sense. C. Scribner's Sons (1905).
14. Spector, A.Z. et al. More than just algorithms: A discussion with Alfred Spector, Peter Norvig, Chris Wiggins, Jeannette Wing, Ben Fried, and Michael Tingley. Commun. ACM 66, 8 (Aug. 2023).
15. Spector, A.Z. et al. Data Science in Context: Foundations, Challenges, Opportunities. Cambridge University Press. (2022).
16. United States National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research. (1978).
17. Vallor, S. Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting. Oxford University Press (2016).
The author appreciates the valuable comments of Lauren Cowles, Peter Hansen, Mehran Sahami, and the anonymous reviewers, and thanks Reynold Spector for his continuing inspiration.
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