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'net Pioneers: Open Internet Should Be Separate

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A group of Internet and technology pioneers recently filed a document with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC), advising the agency to allow for an open Internet separate from specialized services that can prioritize Internet Protocol traffic. The document was filed in response to an FCC request for public comments on proposed network neutrality rules.

"Representations as to capacity and speed for the Internet must describe only capacity and speed allocated to Internet service," according to the group, which includes Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, the open source software movement's founder Bruce Perens, New York University's Clay Shirky, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's David Reed.

Google and Verizon Communications have suggested that specialized services and mobile carriers be exempted from net neutrality rules. "Today the open Internet is allocated a fraction of the capacity delivered over broadband services over fiber and coax by the providers, yet users and services (such as TV and telephony) are migrating to the open Internet and away from those specialized services," Reed notes.

The open Internet would not require network management "unless the congestion was caused by less capacity being available than the provider offers to subscribers," according to the group's paper.

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