ITRI'S flex display puts electronics in a rigid pc-board at its base.
Credit: EE Times
Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has developed a flexible display that uses a plastic material that can withstand the high temperatures of the thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT LCD) processes. The approach requires new manufacturing steps—a coating at the beginning and a de-bonding at the end. The flexible display has the same color and contrast capabilities as similar-sized conventional TFT LCDs.
Researchers in the field continue to look for a way to enable consumers to roll a smartphone- or table-sized display in and out of a system the size of a fat crayon, without damaging the materials. "For bending, we can do this 15,000 times in the lab without deterioration of the screen's performance, but to make a device that's rollable by consumers who are more abusive requires a more sturdy design," says ITRI's Janglin Chen. He says rollable color displays could be available by 2015.
From EE Times
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