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Supercomputing Fest Will Spotlight World's Fastest Computers, High-Performance Issues

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SC10, the annual supercomputing conference, will highlight high-performance computing (HPC) advances in computation, networking, storage, and analysis. The latest Top 500 list of the world's fastest supercomputers will also be unveiled at the conference.

Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen will lead a discussion focused on the challenges that the HPC industry faces "as it seeks new paradigms to frame its emerging enabling technologies for continued performance growth." Researchers from the University of California, San Diego will present a paper that studies the effects of flash memory and the role that other nonvolatile storage types play in supercomputing. The paper says that nonvolatile solid-state storage promises to address slow performance issues and facilitate "faster, cheaper, and more agile" high-performance systems.

Meanwhile, researchers from NASA, the California Institute of Technology, and the University of Southern California will present a joint paper that examines data-sharing options for data workflows on the Amazon EC2 cloud computing service. The paper says that "one of the advantages of cloud computing and virtualization is that the user has control over what software is deployed, and how it is configured. However, this flexibility also imposes a burden on the user to determine what system software is appropriate for their application."

From Network World
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Abstracts Copyright © 2010 Information Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, USA


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