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ACM TechNews

'fingerprint' Software to STEM Cyber Crime

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GuardInQ, new digital fingerprinting software developed by researchers at Edinburgh Napier University, offers closed-caption TV-style monitoring of online systems. GuardInQ digitally mimics the DNA matching process used in the real world. The technology determines what classified data has been accessed by hackers, and then alerts the company. GuardInQ is designed to build up a sequence of hacking activity, which means cybercriminals can be tracked in seconds.

"The GuardInQ technology enables us to identify their digital fingerprints and prove that a certain person was behind illegal changes made to data, which gives a higher level of proof when it comes to prosecuting data crime," says Inquisitive Systems CEO Jamie Graves. "It's like CCTV for computers and ultimately means a more rapid detection of security breaches, which means significant savings for organizations."

From BBC News
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