Credit: The V7 Network
Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers are using the Jaguar supercomputer to analyze Internet traffic, looking for clues that will lead law enforcement officers to sources of child pornography. The biggest problem with monitoring child pornography online is the massive amount of it, says National Association to Protect Children executive director Grier Weeks.
The researchers, led by Oak Ridge's Robert Patton, have devised algorithms that analyze traffic by studying search terms used on file-sharing networks. Search terms that indicate a query for porn are marked, and the algorithms watch to see how different IP addresses respond to the search. The system uses the information to determine which computers are posting new material to the networks. "We want to be able to say 'Hey, of all of the data you're looking at right now, here are a handful of IP addresses that you should investigate further,'" Patton says.
The project will be in operation for 12 months and has been apportioned 1 million processor hours on Jaguar.
From New Scientist
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