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Graphics Ability Is the New Goal For Chip Makers

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Computer chip makers will highlight the improved visual performance of their technology at this year's Consumer Electronics Show. The focus on graphics and how well computers can process and display photos, videos, and other types of media reflects the increased graphics muscle of the chips in computers that will soon hit retail shelves and the consumer-driven explosion in high-definition Web video and digital photo-sharing. By 2013, video could account for about 90 percent of consumer Internet traffic, according to some forecasts.

Intel will talk about new features in its latest generation of chips such as Quick Think Video, a transcoding engine that would be able to turn a five-minute video from a phone into something a computer could use in 18 seconds, or rework hour-long home videos in four minutes. New Intel chips also will help movie studios deliver high-definition versions of their films and move video streams between computers and TV screens.

Meanwhile, AMD says computers based on its chips will display better visuals for common programs from Microsoft, game developers, and Web browser makers. AMD's chips can automatically remove some of the hand-holding jiggle from movies on websites such as YouTube, allowing for revamped video that is smoother and more vibrant.

From The New York Times
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