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Text-Based Video Navigation

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MIT150 Inventional Wisdom

Credit: MIT

The MIT150 website, celebrating the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT's) 150th anniversary, offers a collection of more than 100 video interviews with MIT luminaries. The Infinite Histories collection makes use of a new navigation interface that enables viewers to browse through video by clicking on keywords.

The videos are launched along with a scrolling transcript underneath them, with each word highlighted as it is spoken. Viewers can browse the transcript or use a search function to find a particular term, and click on the word or group of words to automatically forward the video to the corresponding section. Another search bar next to the video window can pull up a list of all the videos in the collection that contain a given term, while an interview continues to play. Underneath each title in the list are orange hashes depicting the occurrences of the search term, on a black bar representing the video's duration. Viewers can pull up a section of the transcript by clicking on the corresponding hash, and clicking the transcript launches that section of the video in the video window.

From MIT News
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