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ACM TechNews

Now, You Can Control Computer Commands By Thought

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OpenViBE, a software platform that will enable users to communicate via their thoughts with a computer or any other automated system, has been demonstrated by French computer scientists. OpenViBE, which acts as an interface for translating what happens in the brain into computer commands, makes writing by thought possible, say researchers Yann Renard and Laurent Bonnet. A person wearing an electroencephalogram cap can focus her attention on a letter that she wants to spell out, and when this letter flashes, a particular brain wave is generated, picked up, detected, and interpreted by the system.

"OpenViBE is a series of software libraries and modules written in C++ that can be simply and effectively integrated in order to design real-time applications," the researchers say. "Programmer users can develop their own code, while non-programmers can use the graphical interface." They say brain-computer interfaces and OpenViBE could be used by researchers studying neurological problems, clinicians assisting people with motor disabilities, and by video game developers.

From The Economic Times
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