The European Union's Dicode project is using high-performance computing technologies and data processing methods to analyze large data sources. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid's Biomedical Informatics Group (GIB) is participating in the project, along with seven other teams from Germany, the United Kingdom, and Greece. GIB's team, led by professor Victor Maojo, will focus on integrating services, tools, and project resources. GIB researchers also are developing new tools and services for the project platform.
Vast amounts of collected data can make management both complex and time consuming. Dicode project researchers aim to find technological responses to these data management issues, and will release all of the services and applications they develop under an open source license. The researchers want to reduce the data-intensiveness and complexity at important decision points, making workers more productive and enabling them to find more creative solutions to problems.
From Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
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