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A Semantic Sommelier: Wine Application Highlights the Power of Web 3.0

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Wine glasses

Photo courtesy of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute professor Deborah McGuinness has developed a group of applications designed to enhance wine knowledge and appreciation. The applications are based on the Web Ontology Language (OWL), which uses a standard set of symbols to create a code that different applications can interpret, enabling devices to operate more efficiently, and potentially leading to a new generation of smart search technologies.

The wine applications are preloaded with information about wine, including body types, color, sweetness and flavor, and food, including the course and ingredient type and its relative spiciness. The applications also can be used to make home wine suggestions.

"With semantic technologies, we can offload more of the searching and reasoning required to locate and share information to the computer while still maintaining personal control over our information and how we use it," McGuinness says.

From Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute News
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Abstracts Copyright © 2011  External LinkInformation Inc. External Link, Bethesda, Maryland, USA


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