Argon, an augmented reality web browser
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Tech researchers working on the KHARMA project are developing Argon, a mobile Web browser that features augmented reality (AR) technology designed to bring the Web into the real world.
"Our goal is to provide a foundation for millions of Web developers to begin writing applications so they can provide users with new experiences that are unique to the world of AR," says KHARMA project director Blair MacIntyre.
The Argon AR browser can project any content that is displayed in the iPhone's Mobile Safari Web browser onto virtual billboards that appear in physical space in the real world.
"With the KHARMA specifications, and the Argon browser, we want to put AR into the hands of the millions of people who know how to create Web sites, and hopefully take a step toward understanding the potential of AR," MacIntyre says. The developers plan to port Argon to Android and other mobile platforms.
From Georgia Institute of Technology
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