University of California, Davis professor Todd Green is researching ways to improve the use of data warehouses. Businesses and organizations collect huge depositories of data to make better decisions, but the sheer scale of the data warehouses makes it difficult to query a database and quickly get answers. Businesses and organizations usually discard the results of queries. Green plans to pursue theoretical work on saving these query results and using them to generate answers to new, related queries.
He also plans to use a five-year U.S. National Science Foundation CAREER award to build a computing system to perform the tasks. The Scrapple project is named after a Pennsylvania dish made of pork scraps, and is a term for recycled leftovers.
"There is tremendous latent energy in the discarded query results, if we only knew how to recycle them to help answer subsequent related queries," Green says. He plans to release the source code publicly.
From UC Davis News & Information
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