"Unless people start to really pay attention to the threat and how we need to drive fundamental change, we're in a world that is going get worse from day to day and month to month and year to year," says U.S. Department of Homeland Security deputy underse
Credit: C-Span
U.S. Department of Homeland Security deputy undersecretary Philip Reitinger has established the goal of developing a more secure Internet ecosystem, which he says is essential to functioning in a world that is increasingly connected to the Net.
"Unless people start to really pay attention to the threat and how we need to drive fundamental change, we're in a world that is going to get worse from day to day and month to month and year to year," Reitinger warns. "And, we're going to be in a place eventually where your television is going to complain that it's being attacked by your refrigerator and isn't able to operate anymore."
Reitinger led a team that recently published a white paper that probes technical options for creating a more secure and resilient Internet, and investigates how a trio of security pillars — authentication, automation, and interoperability — can improve vulnerability prevention and cyberdefense. Reitinger says the white paper is the start of an expansive, technical dialogue with others in government, the private sector, and citizens on reaching what he calls the new normal.
"The truth about the Internet right now is that offense wins," Reitinger says. "So we have got to get to a different place."
From GovInfoSecurity.com
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