The e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG), which consists of more than 100 members from European institutions, has issued a draft report illustrating how cloud computing options are figuring into existing grid and distributed resource-sharing paradigms and extending the use of Internet-delivered tools for scientists.
A key point in the group's evaluation of e-science is that research infrastructures will require a migration toward a user-driven strategy. "Different technical, political, and commercial development, such as the virtualization of services, the emergence of cloud computing, the ambition of establishing an ERA, and the ever increasing need of leading edge user communities for services far beyond what the commercial market can offer, will drive the process," the report says.
The study authors note that this year e-IRG will stress the leverage of e-infrastructure such as high-performance computing and clouds, along with more focus on Internet-delivered applications.
From HPC in the Cloud
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