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Csail Researcher Creates Customizable Buttons

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Garrett Gallagher

MIT researcher Garrett Gallagher

Courtesy of Garrett Gallagher

New technology developed by a systems robotics engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory can be used to do everything from "Minority Report"-like interfaces to hand and finger detection.

Garratt Gallagher used the Microsoft Kinect video-game system and open source Robot Operating Software (ROS) interfaces to detect his hand and shapes on a table, which enabled him to set up an action-reaction type response. Gallagher won the top prize in the ROS 3D contest for creating the Customizable Buttons program. The software enables users to draw an enclosed shape, such as a circle on a piece of paper, touch the center, pushing in as if it were a button for a car radio, and then hear a car horn or any other sound.

From Computing Community Consortium
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