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Java Standards Process to Get an Upgrade

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Patrick Curran

Java Community Process chairman Patrick Curran

Image courtesy of Best Tech Videos

The Java Community Process (JCP) is poised for an upgrade designed to instill greater transparency, while JCP members who ignore their duties may be stripped of their voting privileges.

JCP says in a document posted on its Web site that JCP chairman Patrick Curran considers full transparency of JCP expert group operations the most vital amendment in the recently introduced Java Specification Request (JSR) 348. To encourage the goal of seamless JCP community operations, executive committee members will be expected to vote on JSRs and attend conferences, or face penalties such as the revocation of voting privileges, according to JSR 348.

The request also formalizes the replacement of specification leads or expert group members who are unwilling to fulfill their responsibilities. Combining the Standard Edition/Enterprise Edition and Micro Edition executive committees also is on the agenda, with JCP noting that "the day has come for the divided path to join in one highway." In addition, JSR 348 mandates tracking changes to original Java licensing terms over time.

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