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Inspired By Insect Intelligence

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Fruit Fly

Image courtesy of Nicolas Gompel/University of Wisconsin-Madison

Monash University researchers are developing wireless sensor networks (WSNs) based on insects' neural systems that could revolutionize how environmental systems, building infrastructures, and health-care patients are monitored.

"A fruit fly's brain consumes only a few microwatts of power, and yet is still able to integrate sensory information, actions of flight, and control over relatively complex behavior in order to survive," says Monash's Asad Khan.

The researchers are using bio-inspired computing to develop WSNs that are based on the efficiencies and intelligence of biological systems. "WSNs are hugely important and widely used to monitor patient health, track air pollution, and as early detection systems for forest fires," Khan says.

The bio-inspired approach could make it possible to create infinitely scalable WSNs that could include millions of sensors, according to Khan. He says WSN technology also could be applied to online networks.

From Monash University
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