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Global Tech Leaders Promote Open Internet

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Internet illustration

IllustratIon by Darrel Rees

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has released a set of 14 policies designed to maintain the Internet as a forum for open communication and expression. The policies are similar to those set out by U.S. President Barack Obama, which aim to promote government transparency and accountability through the use of the Internet.

The OECD policies want the Internet to continue to foster technological and economic innovation while "concomitantly meeting certain public policy objectives, including the protection of privacy, security, children online, and intellectual property," according to an OECD release. The policies were developed by leaders from 34 countries, including technology pioneers Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Vint Cerf.

The OECD policies aim to promote and protect the free flow of information on the Internet and to maintain an open, distributed, and interconnected nature. Other policies that the group hopes will be adopted include promoting creativity and innovation, strengthening consistency and effectiveness in privacy protection at a global level, and fostering voluntarily developed codes of conduct for Internet behavior.

From InformationWeek
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