Mung Chiang, an associate professor of electrical engineering at Princeton University, has constructed a laboratory that simulates the global communications infrastructure, including the Internet and mobile networks.
Photo courtesy of Brian Wilson
Princeton University researchers have developed the Edge Laboratory, a miniature version of the global communications network, to develop new ideas and systems that will help ensure that future networking infrastructure will meet consumer demand.
The Edge Laboratory focuses on edge networks such as 4G, Wi-Fi, U-Verse, and FiOS, which connect computers and other devices to the core communications networks. The researchers, led by Princeton professor Mung Chiang, are working with Internet service providers and other telecommunications companies to test academic theories and help companies develop new systems for pricing and data delivery. For example, Chiang is experimenting with new ways to store and deliver content that could reduce Internet bottlenecks.
The Princeton researchers also developed the Time-dependent Usage-based Broadband price Engineering system, which gives consumers more information and control over when they use the Internet and how much they pay. The system enables customers to track their usage through a mobile application and avoid downloading data-intensive files during peak usage times.
From Princeton University
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