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Can Anyone Create a Hacker-Proof Cyberspace?

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Image courtesy of Knowledge@Wharton

The opportunity for cyberattacks increases every day as corporations and governments continue stockpiling information about individuals in complex networks across the Internet, while new generations of cybercrooks continue to hack into private data, according to faculty and security analysts at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School.

The Obama administration's proposal stresses consumer protection via a standardized federal mandate for reporting data breaches to replace the current hodgepodge of state laws. The proposal also would make federal Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act penalties applicable to cybercrime. In addition, the White House would collaborate with the private sector to enhance the security of critical infrastructure and upgrade security of the federal government's computer systems.

Wharton professor Shawndra Hill says the best strategy for fighting threats to national security is through a consortium of government, industry, and academia, with technical experts being allowed to inform legislators on what is possible with respect to cyberthreats and vice versa. Wharton professor Eric Bradlow notes that academics, statisticians, and computer scientists are devising new approaches to organizing data that can provide much of the advantage of individual-level data with considerably less risk.

From Knowledge@Wharton
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