This is a partial image of a multi-center hydrogen bond, focusing on the bond in the middle of the iso-surface and streamline, and revealing the electro-static charge density of the bond. It is a part of the "Artistic Patterning and Structural Growth New
Credit: Courtesy of Chris Van de Walle, Anderson Janotti Solid State Lighting and Energy, UCSB, JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, Lance Putnam, Basak Alper Media Arts and Technology, UCSB
The University of California, Santa Barbara's AlloSphere Research Laboratory takes scientific data that is too small to see and hear and magnifies it to a human scale so researchers can better analyze the data and find new patterns.
"The goal of the AlloSphere instrument and research group is to conduct research in interactive visualization and multimodal representation of complex scientific data, while working closely with researchers in data interpretation and finding new patterns in the information," says AlloSphere Research Laboratory director JoAnn Kuchera-Morin.
The AlloSphere is a 33-foot diameter sphere built inside of a three-story echo-free cube. The AlloSphere can be applied to fields such as audiovisual technologies, abstract arts and art entertainment, green technology, computers and networking, education, nanotechnology, physics, materials science, geography and remote sensing, human perception, behavior and cognition, medicine, and telemedicine.
"The future goals are to build out the instrument to an intelligent reactive device making technology transparent to our every day experience, thus integrating information technology naturally into our various research platforms," Kuchera-Morin says.
From National Science Foundation
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