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Students Create Virtual Realities in Campus Lab

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Richard Corey and Timothy McGrath at VEMI Lab

Richard Corey (left), manager of the Virtual Environment and Multimodal Integration Lab at the University of Maine, with Timothy McGrath (right), exploring a virtual world.

Credit: Paul Perkins / The Maine Campus

The University of Maine's Virtual Environment and Multimodal Integration (VEMI) Lab has given several undergraduate students the opportunity to explore their interests in human-computer interaction and three-dimensional animation. The students are "writing code for experimental design and development of multimodal virtual reality or augmented reality environments to support lab-related research," according the VEMI Lab's Web site.

So far, the VEMI Lab has created a fire rescue scenario that firefighter trainees could use to gain experience without entering burning buildings. The students also have created other virtual reality environments, including an underwater scene with a ship passing overhead, offshore windmill scenes, architectural environments, and a dungeon lair.

In addition, the VEMI Lab is working on a virtual reality environment for an indoor navigation system that would help people find their way around unfamiliar buildings, and potentially work as a smartphone application.

From The Maine Campus
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