A ring oscillator chip.
Credit: Lars Herlogsson / Study in Sweden
Linkoping University's Lars Herlogsson has developed a fully functional, fast switching, and printable transistor made of inexpensive plastic. The transistor is made of two polymers, one of which acts as a semiconductor and the other as an electrolyte. The thin active layer allows for the use of very low driving voltages.
"This is robust [complementary metal oxide semiconductor] technology which allows for very low drive voltages, and besides that, it is well suited to printed electronics," Herlogsson says. In his system the active layer, in which the electric field is concentrated in the electrolyte, becomes about one nanometer in width, regardless of the thickness of the electrolyte layer. The technology also could be applied to large television screens where silicon is unable to compete, according to Linkoping professor Christer Svensson.
Herlogsson is now working to produce the inexpensive printed memories for commercial use.
From Linkoping University
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