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Nsf Seeking Proposals at the Interface of Computing, Economics

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A joint solicitation for interdisciplinary research and education projects that develop new knowledge at the locus of computer science and economics and social sciences has been issued by the U.S. National Science Foundation's Directorates for Computer and Information Science and Engineering and Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences.

The solicitation expresses particular interest in algorithmic strategies and analyses for social science questions involving resource provision and allocation in noisy, distributed and/or unsynchronized environments, collective decision making, and related subjects. Also of special interest are mechanisms that employ concepts from social and economic science to augment the performance of computing systems and other systems comprised of multiple, self-interested agents.

The request for proposal notes that "good incentive mechanisms are . . . needed to mediate the interactions among infrastructure providers, service providers, and clients for computing and communication infrastructure and services. Mechanisms are also important in driving multi-agent software systems towards socially desirable goals."

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Abstracts Copyright © 2011 Information Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, USA


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