National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, Arlington, Va.
Jim Watson, AFP / Getty Images
Cooperation between the United States and Russia on cybersecurity issues is gradually improving, as indicated by increasing interaction between experts at events such as the EastWest Institute's Eighth Worldwide Security Conference. "We are increasingly interdependent," says EastWest Institute distinguished fellow Karl F. Rauscher. "Both countries have a common interest in stability."
The nations and region play crucial roles in the institute's Worldwide Cyber Security Initiative, which was rolled out two years ago to boost engagement between government and industry on computer security issues.
Defining a cyberlexicon is an ongoing collaborative project between Moscow State University's Information Security Institute and the EastWest Institute. Microsoft's Paul Nicholas says the work has "brought a lot of clarity between U.S. and Russian subject matter experts in terms of what had been longstanding confusion or misunderstanding between viewpoints." He says the effort yielded "a cleaner set of terms that we could use essentially to communicate and avoid situations of conflict or misunderstanding that could spin out of control."
Rauscher attributed the progress made on developing a cyberlexicon to the fact that participants dispensed with predetermined ideas and political interests.
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